Te Kaianga is a magical bay in the Marlborough Sounds. Outward Bound has an outpost here - some land and buildings which were donated and have sea access only.
This is where Craig and I spent the first night of our Outward Bound course last year. We sailed a cutter straight from the Picton ferry terminal - still a bunch of strangers, thrown together in an incredible adventure. We arrived as the winter darkness was falling - luckily this was one of the dry days so the cold was easier to handle.
The cutter had to be anchored in just the right place so it wasn't out too deep but couldn't be stranded by the tide. We managed to do this after three attempts - I think the record is around 30. At this stage you only have oar power, so coming back round to try again is back breaking work.
The working bee weekend was spent on fix-up work to the watch house (the bunkhouse where the students sleep). Craig and his merry band of helpers stripped, insulated and reclad a wall, while another gang built a new front on the watch house and put in some pretty impressive windows.
I have absolutely no building skills, without even the ability to drive a nail, so painting and tidy-up work filled my hours.
It was a hard-working weekend, but there's lots of fun to be had as well. One couple comes as the cooks and we are incredibly well fed - cooked breakfasts, roast dinners, desserts and all sorts of other treats.
Outward Bound means a lot to us, and we love being able to 'give back' in the form of volunteer work. Hopefully we can continue to fit this in with our new lifestyle.
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